Matthew 7:13-27
Jesus is sometimes presented as loving, like a best friend who always accepts you no matter what. But what does God’s Word say about God’s Son? He is loving. But as we turn to what Jesus Himself says in His sermon on the Mount, Jesus wants to change you. In love, Jesus brings you to a decision.
The sermon in Matthew 5-7 is probably typical of what Jesus preached early in His message. To read these chapters is to go back in time and hear the Son of God for yourself! His focus is on genuine, true righteousness. There is only one correct way to be right with God the Father, even as there might be other people who present other ways or attempts.
A quick outline of the Sermon on the Mount would be like this:
- The Qualities of True Righteousness (5:3-12)
- The Testimony of True Righteousness (5:13-16)
- The Practice of True Righteousness (5:17-7:12)
- In Your Obedience (5:21-48)
- In Your Actions (6:1-18) à giving, prayer, fasting
- In Your Possessions (6:19-35) à whether you have much or little
- In Your Relationships (7:1-12)
So, now Jesus comes to the end of His sermon, and He brings you to a decision: What are you going to do with this? Are you indeed going to practice true righteousness?
Decision #1: Two Gates, Two Ways, Two Destinations
One gate is wide, roomy, comfy; the other is narrow and restrictive.
The path from these gates is similar; one is wide, roomy, comfy; the other way is narrow and restrictive.
While Jesus promises blessing in following Him (see 5:3-12), it’s not simple and easy. Jesus repeatedly teaches that the only entry and way to salvation is by trusting in Him. This salvation requires you to renounce your sin and self, and to solely follow Jesus.
Both gates and ways say they lead to the same destination; they both promise heaven. But Jesus says that the wide gate and way lead only to destruction. The narrow and restrictive gate and way leads only to life.
Even though there are two gates, two ways, two destinations, there is one choice. Jesus says at the start of verse 13, “Enter through the narrow gate.”
Decision #2: Two Trees, Two Fruits
Verse 15 opens with a warning about false prophets. And then ends with a warning about those who will profess to know Christ, but do not. Jesus is warning that people may not always be what they say they are. How can you know?
Ultimately, only Jesu knows (v. 23). But He does give a key in verse 16 and repeated in verse 20, “You will know them by their fruits.” A good tree will give good fruit, not thorns. A bad tree will only give bad fruit. And like the wide gate that leads to destruction, so also the bad tree will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Decision #3: Two Builders, Two Foundations, Two Houses
Jesus finishes with a clear story. So much of these two builders is identical. They build roughly at the same time. They build the same thing: a home. They both face the same storm and wind. All this makes the one difference between them stand out. One builder is wise and builds his house on a solid foundation. The other builder is foolish and builds his house on sand.
Jesus makes it clear that the right foundation for life is to hear His word and act on them. After all that Jesus has said in this sermon, He brings you to a decision: will you obey My words?
Discussion Questions:
- What did you learn about Jesus from this passage?
- Why does Jesus want to bring people to a point of decision?
- Why do you need Jesus to change or transform you?
- What is the difference between hearing Jesus’ words, and hearing and acting on Jesus’ words?