Most of the time, when I hear people talking about forgiveness, it’s in this phrase, “I need to learn to forgive myself.” I think that is expressing something real, but not in the most accurate way. For example, the Bible nowhere mentions, suggests, or hints to a need to forgive your own self. Always, the Read More
Category: Fisher of Men
To Make Disicples, You Must Listen To Jesus
I had a strict basketball coach when I was in junior high. One area was the importance of listening to him. If I dropped a basketball while he was talking, I had to drop down and immediately give him pushups. If I was looking away while he was talking, I had to do pushups. I Read More
To Make Disciples, You Must Grow In Commitment, Part 2
Recently, someone asked me how I came to be a pastor. It’s a bit of a long story, because it slowly developed. Step by step, God lead me. Originally, my dream job was to play for the Los Angeles Dodgers – shortstop, starting pitcher, back up outfielder, whatever. When that wasn’t going to happen, my Read More
To Make Disciples, You Must Grow In Commitment, Part 1
While what Jesus says in Matthew 16:23-28 is crucial and valuable, what has my attention right now is when Jesus says it. Let me explain … At the time of Matthew 16, the disciples have been with Jesus for about two years. When Jesus first met them, He did not call them with what He Read More
To Make Disciples, You Must Be Merciful
Matthew 15:29-39 I’ve not been feeling well for the last few months. At times, it’s been hard to think clearly; other times, it’s hard to have energy for any kind of work. I don’t enjoy this season of life. But what has been such a joy is the help from others, especially my family Read More
To Make Disciples, You Must Follow Jesus Onto The Water
Matthew 14:22-33 In our passage, Peter walks on water. I wonder what that felt like. Was the water squishy under his feet? Solid? Did it feel wet? I would guess it was the type of experience that Peter never forgot. But the key point for us in this passage is the need to follow Jesus, Read More
To Be Fishers of Men, Jesus Must Forgive Your Sins
Matthew 9:1-8 Who would interrupt Jesus as He is teaching? Typically, an interruption is rude. But to interrupt the Son of God as He is speaking God’s Word seems like the act of a very unbelieving person. Or perhaps, it’s the opposite. Prior to our passage in Matthew 9:1-8, we’ve been learning about the authority Read More
To Be Fishers of Men, You Must Grow In Faith
Matthew 8:23-27 A dark and stormy night, but I lay still in bed. I could hear the wind howl, slamming into the window. My fear increased in hearing the noise of the giant trees surrounding us. My imagination created vivid scenarios of a tree limb or a whole tree snapping, falling onto the house. But Read More
To Be Fishers of Men, You Must Chose to Hear and Obey Jesus’ Words
Matthew 7:13-27 Jesus is sometimes presented as loving, like a best friend who always accepts you no matter what. But what does God’s Word say about God’s Son? He is loving. But as we turn to what Jesus Himself says in His sermon on the Mount, Jesus wants to change you. In love, Jesus brings Read More
To Fish For Men, Jesus Must Change You
Matthew 4:17-25 I’m fascinated that we have a God who specializes in changing people. Because many people are hesitant to change. Let me remind you of a few examples from the Bible of God changing people: Abram started as a man who worshipped pagan idols, and who had no children; God changed him into Abraham, Read More