The Good of Waiting

I sometimes wonder in our day of fast food and technology if we’ve lost the virtue of waiting. I see in myself how often I do not like to wait – whether for traffic, for my kids, for a line in the store. And if I’m not being impatient with the waiting, then I’m distracting Read More

Adding Up To Obedience

You ever have those moments where you just don’t do what you should do. Like, waking up on time, but you hit snooze and roll over. When you look at your jogging shoes but decide the exercise will happen tomorrow. If we struggle to do what’s right in these moments, how much more when it’s Read More

God, Revive Me!

My only ambulance ride so far in life was in junior high, when I broke my left arm playing flag football. Probably the closest I’ve come to death is when I jump off a 20 foot cliff in Israel – not into a pool of water, but onto hard rock below. But, I was able Read More

When I Feel Powerless

I’ve recently been faced with a few situations where I feel powerless. Someone near me is hurting, but they don’t want me to help. A family member was in the vicinity of a shooting but I was stuck in traffic and unable to go to them. Because of expectations of another, I don’t feel like Read More

How Can You Be Safe?

Playing baseball growing up, I loved running the bases. The best was when there was going to be a close play, so you had to slide and reach out your hands and the umpire called ‘safe!’ Being safe is still a very wonderful things today – even if it’s not while playing baseball. I want Read More

Preparing For Adversity

I tend to be both goal orientated and positive thinking. Which is an interesting combination together. As I set a goal for myself, I think on how manageable achieving that goal will be. Does that strike you as realistic? Or wise? What about setting a goal for yourself, being very aware of the difficulties and Read More