Matthew 14:22-33
In our passage, Peter walks on water. I wonder what that felt like. Was the water squishy under his feet? Solid? Did it feel wet? I would guess it was the type of experience that Peter never forgot.
But the key point for us in this passage is the need to follow Jesus, even if He’s on the water.
Our story begins on a sad note, with the death of John the Baptist (Matthew 14:1-12). Jesus attempts to get away to mourn, but the crowds come to Him. Instead of telling them to go away, Jesus has compassion on them; He heals the sick and He feeds five thousand (Matthew 14:13-21). Finally, in verse 22, Jesus sends the crowds away, and even His disciples. Alone, Jesus spends much of the night in prayer. That’s a small point in the story, but I think a significant one for us in application. If I am going to follow Jesus, even onto the water, it’s because I have come to value time with Him. I want to be with Jesus, no matter where He is, no matter what the circumstances.
#1. Faith Takes Courage in Jesus’ Presence (v. 24-27)
Once again, the disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. And once again, it’s not an easy trip. Jesus sent them away in the evening (v. 23), but about 3 am (v. 25), the disciples haven’t reached their destination. They’re probably a little bit tired and frustrated as the wind is against them. Suddenly, they see something on the water. It looks like a man walking on the water, which, as everyone knows, is utterly impossible. They can only reach one conclusion: it’s a ghost. And they are terrified and in fear!
And then Jesus speaks! How powerful are the words of Jesus! “Take courage,” Jesus says to them. “It is I; do not be afraid.” The wind is still against the disciples; the sea is still choppy; the boat is still away from land. But all of a sudden, things are much better. Why? Because Jesus is with them!
Jesus promises His disciples at the end of Matthew, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. You may have times where you don’t feel that He is near, but He is. Faith takes courage that Jesus is present with you!
#2. Faith Keeps the Focus on Jesus (v. 28-31)
I admire Peter for this response. He sees Jesus standing on the water. The normal thing would be to invite Jesus into the boat. But Peter asks for an invitation to join Jesus. Wherever Jesus is, that’s where Peter wants to be. And so Peter makes his request, and Jesus invites Peter to come join him.
What was this like? What did the other disciples think? Where they jealous? Did they think Peter is crazy? If I was there, would I have said, “Can I come too?”
Peter is an experienced fisherman. He has to know that no one walks on the sea. He has to know stories of neighbors and friends who have drowned in the Sea of Galilee. And yet, despite all of this, Peter gets puts one leg over the boat, then the other one; and then steps out on the sea. And Peter doesn’t just simply stand there, a hand (or both) clinging to the boat. Peter walks on the water! Peter is moving closer to Jesus!
Subtle irony is found in verse 30, as Peter sees the wind. You can’t really see the wind. But Peter is looking more at his surroundings than he is looking at Jesus. He begins to fear, which is understandable: full grown men do not walk on water, especially in a storm. But with his eyes off of Jesus, Peter begins to sink.
Even though Jesus rebukes Peter for his doubt and having little faith, Jesus still rescues Peter. He doesn’t let Peter drown.
#3. Faith Worships Jesus as the Son of God (v. 32-33)
As soon Jesus and Peter enter the boat, the wind stops. Jesus once again shows that He has full control over the storm. He is the Creator who made the wind and the seas.
The disciples not only worship Jesus, they make a certain statement of faith, “Truly this is the Son of God.” When Jesus previously calmed the storm, the disciples asked a question of what kind of man this is (Matthew 8:27). But they have grown in their faith in Jesus. They know for certain He is no ordinary man; Jesus is the Son of God. And so they worship Him!
Discussion Questions:
- What is one thing you learned about Jesus?
- Why do you think Jesus spent so much time alone in prayer (v. 23)?
- Are faith and courage identical? Similar? Different? Explain your answer.
- What can you do today to keep your eyes and mental focus on Jesus?