Fear Journal – Day 144

Motivated by Knowing the Fear of the Lord

2 Corinthians 5:11 Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences.

Story: ‘Knowing the fear of the Lord’ in verse 11 is connected with ‘the judgment seat of Christ’ in verse 10. All of us must appear before Him, and all of who we are will be judged/evaluated at that time. For believers in Jesus Christ, the judgment will not be pass or fail, because by faith in Christ, we are freed from condemning judgment (Rom 8:1). But still, who we are and what we have done will be evaluated and a response will come from Christ. Christians, thus, should prepare for this and make decisions in light of this coming moment. To do so is to live in the fear of the Lord – in fear or recognition that He will have final say over what I’ve done with what He’s given to me. Such an openness before God should make us more transparent or manifest to others. There is no deceit or hidden agenda with Paul. He does indeed love the Corinthians and speaks the truth to them in love for their spiritual growth.

My Prayer Response: Father, I am so thankful that with all that You know about me, You still chose me to be one of Your own! I don’t have to pretend with You to be something that I’m not. But also change me; make me more like Christ. This judgment seat is coming, and I want to live today mindful of this. Let that fear help me to speak truth in love to others so they too are one of Yours!

May you be motivated today by knowing the fear of the Lord!