Fear Journal – Day 153

Fearful Marriages?

1 Peter 3:6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.

Story: Many would say that submission of a wife to a husband is degrading, shameful, foolish. God says it is a beautifying (v. 4-5). But what about husbands who are less than ideal? Peter writes this to wives of husbands who don’t believe (v. 1), and such husbands could also be selfish, lazy, and/or demanding. That’s where the last part of verse 6 has to come in. To not be frightened by any fear sounds wonderful, but can only come through a deep trust in God. Even in an unpleasant marriage, God remains in control and intends to glorify Himself. Which means that no ungodliness in the husband (or, if the situations are reversed, the wife) will go unnoticed by Him. God will respond in His way and time. He also gives strength and wisdom to the wife to know how to submit without endangering herself and others.

My Prayer Response: Father, I marvel at the depth of Your Word and work. We often see things in two-dimensions, like the husband and the wife. But You are the third dimension, and can instantly transform hearts. Or patiently transform hearts. We submit to others because we are already submitting to You. Bless our marriages; strengthen and beautify each one so that You alone are glorified!

May you see and pursue the beauty in being subject to God and others!