Sanctify Jesus In Your Heart
1 Peter 3:14-15a But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts …
Story: The main fear that started me on this fear journal is a fear of what people think; and at the root of this is that I want people to like me. So, it’s very tempting to get in step with a crowd, or even the single person with whom I’m talking. But to walk in the paths of righteousness will sometimes mean to walk alone, or with only a few. Peter is encouraging believers to follow God’s Word, even when it’s not popular. He quotes from Isaiah 8:12, because this is not a new challenge; Isaiah also faced it. So what’s the solution to this temptation? Or what do I need to be doing actively? Peter gives the answer at the start of verse 15: sanctify Christ as Lord in my heart. The more I fear, worship, and love Jesus, the less I have to fear of what others think, threaten, or do.
My Prayer Response: Father, thank You again for Your Word speaking directly to my heart! Teach me how to sanctify Christ as Lord in my heart – not just during devotions or a Sunday church service, but at all times. I want to do what is right and best at all times, even if it may mean suffering or unpopularity. More than approval of others, I want to hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful slave.”
May you not fear because you sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart.