Fear Journal – Day 158

A Terrifying Earthquake

Revelation 11:13 And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Story (By Hannah Ross): Thought I should probably not like this, I do. The wrath of God upon people is terrible, but also beforehand, is the deception of many people who are unwilling to repent at the message of the two witnesses. Plus, 7,000 people die in one instant. I like this, though, because God’s victory here is awe-inspiriting and astonishing!

            The ministry of the two witnesses is that of spiritual revival, as symbolized by the two olive trees and two lampstands (v. 4). God protected them from any and all who would attack them (v. 5). But after 3 ½ years, they are killed by the beast. I love this visual picture of the anti-christ, a twisted, evil creature with glowing red eyes. The world celebrates the death of the two witnesses, including exchanging presents like it is Christmas. But after 3 ½ days (matching the 3 ½ years), the two witnesses will be resurrected by God and ascended into heaven, as everyone watches. And then comes our verse with the great earthquake and the even greater terror! Though the two witnesses demonstrated supernatural power for 3 ½ years, God sends everyone to their knees in fear and worship in one single moment. God’s power wrath, and judgment is on full display and very fear-ful.

My Prayer Response: Father, You are an awesome God! Thank You that salvation has come to me and so many others, escaping Your wrath. But there are many who have not heard, or believed, and so remain under Your judgment. Use me to extend Your mercy and grace to them so that they would repent and trust in Jesus for salvation.

May you trust in and worship our awesome God!